Thursday, November 26, 2009

G.I. Jane

In prepping for Thanksgiving, (I am one of those folks that have pre holiday anxiety-with a little "a" and I try to be prepared for the horrible statements people make), I came across this interesting factoid: 82% of all FYLSE takers fail the test and only 80% of all Navy Seal candidates wash out, so given physical attributes (right age, vision, physical fitness), I would have a better chance of being a military trained killer. That being said when I was in the Air Force, I tried out for the PJ's (Pararescue); bad eyes. They have a 95% washout FYI.

But when people say things work out for the best; I had to go into medical administration; I learned to type which has saved my ass, I traveled and I got to do a lot of stuff outside the job description which is sort of how life is.

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