Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ray "The Bull" Bell

Ray Bell, manager of Graham Central Station, Oklahoma City, once told me as a young 22 year old assistant manager of one of his and the Graham Bros. bars, " Boy, it's not that you fell down, it's how fast you get up."

So I have failed my October 2009 with a couple bits of knowledge.

1. I know the law. I got a 73 on the multiple choice.
2. I got a 70 on a Torts essay; that was my worst subject in 1L.
3. I screwed up three other essays.

I am glad I made the choice before I got the results to go ahead and take an online writing course which allows to take it for free next year in Los Angeles.

I am also taking a peek at NWCU's syllabus for first year. They seem to have a different approach to learning the meat and potatoes of law.

Second year starts January 7. First year review; ongoing.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Before I get my test results....

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
---Theodore Roosevelt

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy New Year

I received the authorization to access the "Blackboard" section of my new school; Northwestern California University. Different from ALU in that the academic guts of the website appears to have more detail. The classes run concurrently. The student is on a self administered schedule; 48-52 weeks.

So...I like that as any passive agressive control freak would. You are responsible for your schedule. Should be interesting. Ordered a bunch of cheap books, with more to be ordered. I have a Flemings writing course on the way.

No results from the Bar yet; mailed out yesterday. I know some of us have the vision of a person handling our letter much like when we ordered things (I did in ancient times) from the back of a cereal box or a comic book and the person at the company would put our toy carefully in the mail watching the mailman take it to our house. Yeah I still think like that.

Ironically, Paul B., a former class mate at ALU, who sat next to me at the Baby Bar, got accepted round about the same time to if NWCU.

New discovery: Listening to the KFI AM 640 Radio Show Handel on the Law; if you are in law school you start to see the patterns and the common sense solutions that apply to essay exams; I do anyway. Kind of like a coloring book for law students.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Days that is, swimming pools, movie stars. (My tribute to the Beverly Hillbillies, which my own family paralleled sans money and oil.) Saif, a fellow student, alerted a few of us that on December 11, the state bar of California will mail out the results of the FYLSE.

I have anticipated my reaction, good and bad. However, whatever the results are I have to drive on with this second year-Juris Doctorate or last year-Bachelors of Science, dependent on point of view.

I hope I am able to go to the mailbox when the letter comes and just make it back to the inside of the house and not collapse enroute. After that, gotta go to work the next day, clean up after the dog and pay the bills like usual, because the world keeps turning no matter how well or badly you did on a test.

Friday, November 27, 2009

"All My Heroes Have Been Jewish Lawyers"

Yeah, I don't think Willie Nelson is taking that one up. I have, as all law students do, attorney/judges that they admire. My criterion is a little bit different. I have seen the following three in action in their pursuits outside the courtroom/boardroom and that to me is the litmus for the pursuit of the j.d.

Geraldo Rivera-Rivera was the child of a Puerto Rican cabbie and a Jewish waitress. Went to law school in Brooklyn and worked for a short time as an investigator for the NYPD and for a Puerto Rican activist group. An american success story, humble beginnings to big time and non apologetic for his style.

Harvey Levin-Levin is the driving force behind TMZ.com. Before that, he was legal analyst for the CBS affiliate in Los Angeles. J.D. from Whittier College (formerly known as the Beverly Rubens School of Law). He almost caused the murder charges against O.J. to be thrown out because he showed a video of the D.A. conducting a search without a warrant but apologized later on the air. I think he is probably the only open gay person in t.v. that isn't making a big deal about it.

Bill Handel-Radio talk show host, KFI. Parents escaped the Holocaust, he was born in Brazil. Attended Whittier Law School. He is so unapologetic and politically incorrect on his radio show that after every show an apology is read off by the producer covering every topic discussed on the show. From Wikipedia: "In 1996, Asian-American leaders called for Handel's resignation after making comments about Kristi Yamaguchi and Michelle Kwan. Handel was quoted as saying; "And when I look at a box of Wheaties, all right? I don't want to see eyes that are like all slanted and Oriental and almond shaped. I want American eyes looking at me."[13] Handel apologized, claiming that he was mocking bigotry. In March 2004, Handel made jokes about Muslims not bathing, hating Jews, and practicing bestiality; KFI was forced to apologize.[14]"

All the information above is from Wikipedia; give them a buck so they can stay in business.

After you do that, throw a buck to the Legal Information Institute. http://www.law.cornell.edu/donors/
A great institution that gives away free legal information.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

G.I. Jane

In prepping for Thanksgiving, (I am one of those folks that have pre holiday anxiety-with a little "a" and I try to be prepared for the horrible statements people make), I came across this interesting factoid: 82% of all FYLSE takers fail the test and only 80% of all Navy Seal candidates wash out, so given physical attributes (right age, vision, physical fitness), I would have a better chance of being a military trained killer. That being said when I was in the Air Force, I tried out for the PJ's (Pararescue); bad eyes. They have a 95% washout FYI.

But when people say things work out for the best; I had to go into medical administration; I learned to type which has saved my ass, I traveled and I got to do a lot of stuff outside the job description which is sort of how life is.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not Tolstoy

To spare anyone reading this blog the usual bitching about one thing or another, I will post this link to a discussion string of a fellow FYLSE taker. Please try to read the entire string as you see it starts out pretty cogent then degrades into talking about the General Bar and then youtube. Good luck to Scrivener5. If he/she passed; maybe youtube is the secret.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just like in "Fargo"

Think of the scene where Steve Buscemi's partner does a u turn in the burnt umber Ciera with tags "DLR..." and he is following the red tempo/tracer who eyewitnessed the shooting of the trooper. The look on his face as he pursuing the car, taking a drag off the cigarette and pursues the vehicle..

Well that was me emailing my second transcript request to ALU. In summary, I am transferring to NWCU from ALU due to the low general bar passage rates: 33% vs 11%. I like everybody at ALU but I have a desire to pass the bar. Ok back to the action: I am putting my ducks together for next year, finding $ from my no raise, no bonus budget, trying to find the lowest interest for 2L tuition, confirming NWCU got my transcripts.

Well yes they did. ALU sent the transcripts from when I was still in class and not after final grades. Sooooo..I send another transcript request.

Couple of issues from the only online law student who is the only person to transfer from online school to online school, I know. But c'mon, can you just help a brother out?

Other stuff; file under "Plan B/or Miss Congeniality plan": University of London has a respectable LL.M degree for Bachelor eligibility. However after giving it three days of obsessive compulsive thought; I just have to focus on this J.D. thing that is omnipresent in my thoughts.

Found a possible mentor program for the retake of the Baby Bar in October. Patrick Gould, http://www.thelawprofessor.com/. Why is this guy different? A. He worked for Concord; respectable bar performance and he worked for NWCU; again respectable bar performance. He professes a different learning technique that is more in sync with the computer era student as opposed to the bricks and mortar guy. Additionally he has a program that shadows the school years as opposed to the out of school bar review; i.e., Barbri, PMBR.

Thanks to my wife for suggesting looking for this saved post.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No flying cars but..

Living in the 21st century just got cooler with Google Scholar for legal opinions. Put in a case name and you get a lot of stuff.

Other revelation: I have been listening to a 2006 General Bar Prep Lecture from Barbri on Property. I think I have discovered the United States secret to interrogation because after listening to approximately six hours of this with more to go, this stuff is maddening.

Spoke to someone today asking about the Baby Bar as well as on the net; my opinion is that it is the same as I have been studying for all year. It wasn't a monster; it was just a test and I will be glad to take it again October 2010 if need be.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday; 6 days until the 3 month NASCAR drought

I know, has nothing to do with law school.

Bar Exam and Law School discussion forum

Neat case I watched on MSNBC last night re Robert Kleason, purported to be the real "Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

Today after emailing to Paul Branum, ALU classmate, on why I was selling some excess legal books. (I know you can never have enough law books.) I had the mini anxiety attack of not remembering if I filled in the circles on the scantron sheet for the multiple choice test. Paul says it's 28 days until results; I am not counting.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Product Liability

Excellent oral argument-Texas Supreme Court.

The case follows the product liability outlines especially duty, causation and expected misuse.


Did Whitney Roberts template on Defamation.

Additionally, a very cool link to crazy marketing idea for a lawyer; Elvis meets Miami Vice

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Forest for the trees

I met my father in law and his helper, to get a generator to his mom's house this morning. Mission accomplished, she has power. Mickey (FIL) introduced me as someone that has always been involved with the law and I guess he is right. Personally, I feel like the ultimate law Miss Congeniality but I guess I have had the privilege to engage in some cool stuff: Private Investigator, Bail Bondsman, Security Director at big properties in Los Angeles, security assignments overseas, sworn peace officer/conservator of the peace Colonial Williamsburg and now as I told Blake, the helper; it's kind of boring, normal job. He said it sounded safer. Blake, a former drug dealer, should know.

I had a dream about the scoring on the multiple choice for the bar. My brain must be really trying to sedate me; it gave me an 80 on the MBE. Here's hoping.

I explained the process of online law school a little more. I think my previous position of not talking much about it was wise. However, I have a bonafide year down and there is this feeling of having more awareness of how the world works and I don't mind talking about online law or what I have learned.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today is Finz Strategies and more Emanuel Criminal Law Review.

Was looking at the Cal Bar Baby Bar October 1999 Criminal Law question, did essay. It's Dan, Joker, Victoria and Boss. Usual jealous husband has drinks, gets mad, takes gun to wifes workplace scenario.

Some of the released answers had first degree murder based upon a premeditation argument due to taking the gun.

I think because he stopped to drink and did not point the gun at anyone while he was "firing wildly" eliminates premeditation. Also, no vol manslaughter because hearing about wife fooling around is not the same as catching the spouse "in flagrante" (made that up.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veterans Day

Present job gives us Veteran's Day off; still can't get over that. I think in my near 50 years, I have had 5-10 Vets days off.

Couple of things, starting on some Criminal Law review; my favorite of the three first year classes. I have had the privilege of knowing a couple of district attorneys in California and while a stressful job probably a pretty cool job.

I was looking at some review courses offered by Fleming's based on recommendations of a fellow student that passed the Baby Bar. Expensive; $70-$85 per cd and outline. I think that if you market anything well to the law student you are guaranteed a profit. I was thinking of marketing 2.5 gallon ziploc bags as laptop bar exam bags. If I get the dreaded "fail" notice re the baby bar, it will be my next investment.

My school, ALU, has sent out the "hey we're here" email for re enrollment. Last year, the Dean was replaced and I think they are in the process of reinventing themselves. The admissions guy, Ron King sent out a very informative email that was aesthetically pleasing. However, their baby and general bar stats still are very low with Concord their competitor only a little bit higher.

My plans at least at this time are to regroup in December, go back to school at NWCU in January, if necessary retake the BB in June and October. If I don't pass, I will at least get out with a BS and a lot of legal knowledge.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

For OCD/functionally autistic types like myself (I think I have Aspberger's Syndrome) that is the way the study continuum is being maintained. Going over the same road, looking for new niches and review, review, review.

Found a new website though; great to listen to at work:


Ok it's not top 10 but you get like twenty minute snippets of oral arguments before the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

It's free and after you listen you will see why.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Does this happen to anyone else?

The phenomena I am going to describe can best be likened to an amputee with a phantom limb. In the past two weeks since the baby bar; I have been having dreams of needing to take a trip to take a test or of having to complete some kind of assignment. Unfortunately, since the brain has no basis on which to make a foundation for these dreams, it makes stuff up; which results in nonsensical "what the hell does that mean" dreams.

Today, I will continue reading "Sum and Substance" review on contracts and read about ten pages from a PDF version of Barbri Contracts I in addition to Barbri Criminal Law lecture with the late Professor Charles Whitebread.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lessons learned

I think about a year before the baby bar, I decided that if I wasnt comfortable with my test scores that it would be cause to enroll in a prep course.

For most 1L students unless you have friends that can give you a clue you are at the mercy of your own research. For my year out preparation, I went for Micromash which has an awesome review book and computerized mbe program.

Six months out I chose Celebration because it appeared to be extremely comprehensive and have a hands on guidance feel to it. The only caveat I would give is that if you work a 9-5 schedule you are limited in the time you can communicate with Jackson Mumey. I will take responsibility for my schedule and ability to organize. Mumey extolls a non IRAC way of essays. I, for my part, used what I would classify as a hybrid IRAC/Celebration/LEEWS method of doing the essay. I am hoping itw as was a good decision.

I think I could have saved a lot of money by only using the Finz/Rigos/Celebration MBE materials.

Adachi flashcards rock; straightforward without storytelling. PMBR are very good.

I listen to and continue to listen to: Barbri, ALU lecture, Life of a law student, Sum and Substance and PMBR lectures on my ipod. I am hoping the Manchurian candidate approach will reinforce itself for this test, the next time I hope I don't have to take and the general bar.

What now?

Probably a curious way to start a blog about law school, future intentions and past happenings but the 1st year of law school taken online from Abraham Lincoln University is done with a "gentlemen's C". In the past year, I have relearned how to study, how to deal with getting below a 70 on a test, and how to prepare for the Baby Bar, hopefully the only time I will have to take it.

I would like to thank Grand Poobah for being an inspiration of not giving up after taking the bar exam since 2007 and having the guts to communicate his struggles.